OTP - definição. O que é OTP. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é OTP - definição

OTP (disambiguation)

One Time Password
1. <security> One-Time Password. 2. <protocol> Open Trading Protocol. 3. <storage, integrated circuit> {One Time Programmable Read Only Memory}. 4. <communications, library> Open Telecom Platform. (2001-08-28)
One Time Programmable [Additional explanations: chip] (Reference: IC)



OTP may refer to

Exemplos de pronúncia para OTP
1. He shared his OTP also.
Safe Surfing _ Rakshit Tandon _ Talks at Google
2. for OTP, I normally just pause for a moment.
Mindful Work _ David Gelles _ Talks at Google
3. don't require a pin or an OTP to swipe a card.
Safe Surfing _ Rakshit Tandon _ Talks at Google
4. It's only in India where you require a PIN and an OTP.
Safe Surfing _ Rakshit Tandon _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para OTP
1. July –– Hungary‘s OTP buys '6.4 percent of the consumer–centered Investsberbank for $477 million.
2. Pick is owned by Sandor Csanyi, chairman of OTP Bank, Hungary‘s largest lender. (Bloomberg) «
3. Atticus Capital‘s Nathaniel Rothschild and Sandor Csanyi, chief executive officer of OTP Bank, together own 25 percent of the company.
4. OTP Bank said it would purchase '6.4 percent of the consumer–centered Investsberbank Group for $477 million.
5. The deal follows Russian acquisitions last year by France‘s Societe Generale, Austria‘s Raiffeisen, Hungary‘s OTP and Germany‘s Commerzbank.